impression magazine online


My goal for this project was to turn impression print magazine into a web magazine. As well as being viewed on a desktop computer, I used responsive web design so that it could adjust to fit different screen sizes.
Impression is for the 20-something-year-olds who are tired of the magazines filled with celebrity gossip, consumerism and overwhelming ads. This magazine focuses on the five senses. It encourages its readers to take in their surroundings and appreciate the little things around us every day. Topics include art, food, music and much more. Readers who join the impression network will gain access to the site’s full features, which includes; creating a profile, commenting on articles, submitting your own articles for review and possible publishing, posting results of the sensory task of the month and exploring your world task, and creating a network of friends with similar interests.

June 2012

Dreamweaver, Photoshop

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